This tutorial is about embedding a grafana panel into your interface designer project. The project uses Grafana, InfluxDB, MQTT Broker and Node Red. In the authors case the sensors are home made and he has shared with you his Node-Red flow. This is one example, your system may have additional uses.
node red flow:
Now regarding Grafana, you may have to tweak a couple of things first. I have everything working on a RPi so your mileage may vary.
Modify your Grafana .ini configuration file by typing:
pi@raspberrypi:/ $ sudo nano /etc/grafana/grafana.ini and change the following:
Then from your panel, partially copy the embed link as seen below. The reason why you won't need the whole link is because the web page object is already an iFrame:
Copy that into your web page properties under the URL address:
And now this (your) panel:
Will appear where you wanted: