myServer 6 adds Advanced Presets
Figure 1
This document will provide a detailed overview of the 2023 system enhancements that have been added to the Allonis Automation System installed at Flavortown in Pigeon Forge TN. The items in this year’s upgrade include:
1) The addition of user defined presets for automating the individual settings of Lighting, Audio and Video areas.
2) The addition of a powerful task scheduler that allows users to create and maintain any number of automation jobs that can be scheduled to run on demand or on preset schedules.
3) Updated Administrative view of the system that will allow for diagnosing the overall health of the entire system.
4) The Addition of the new Allonis Digital Signage solution.
5) The Addition of a new “Failover” controller that in the event of a problem on the primary controller will allow for the quick transfer of system control thereby minimizing the amount of system downtime.
The following pages will outline each of these new components in detail.
Presets in myServer 6:
There are three different classes of presets Audio, Video, and Lighting.
There is no limit to the number of presets a user can define.
Presets can be created for the entire home or venue, or an area like a room.
There is no configuration needed. The server will automatically find all the appropriate devices based on the type of preset, device types and device location.
This is aimed at commercial installations but can also be used in residential installs.
Preset Logic:
Video presets:
When created a video preset will perform the following actions:
Save the stations all Cable or DirecTV boxes are tuned to.
Save the state of all the TVs in the affected area (power and active input).
Save the source each TV is currently watching.
When a video preset is restored, it will:
Tune all the Cable and DirecTV boxes to the saved channels.
Make sure all the TVs are in the correct state (power and active input).
Switch all the TVs to the appropriate video source.
Audio presets:
When created or updated and audio presets perform the following actions:
Save the source each audio zone is playing.
Save the volume and mute state of each output zone.
When an audio preset is restored, it will:
Restore each audio zone to the appropriate source.
Restore the volume and mute state of each output zone.
Lighting presets:
When created or updated these presets will:
Save the state of each lighting device in the affected area.
Eligible devices are switches, dimmers, and DMX device channels for supported colors.
When a lighting preset is restored, it will:
Return each of the lights in the affected area back to its previously defined state.
On/Off, brightness and color.
Preset Usage:
When no preset exists for a given area the system will automatically create two presets for the user with names “Beginning of Day” and “End of Day”. The assumption being these will be the most common tasks that will be performed.
Users are free to change the name of the preset. Delete it and create their own.
The universal navigator icon for calling up the presets is . To dismiss the preset popup just click on the navigator button a second time.
Later on, you will see how common presets like “Beginning of Day” and “End of Day” can be easily grouped together using the task scheduler. One simple command to execute the preset called “Beginning of Day” will restore ALL the “Beginning of Day” presets for all preset types in all preset areas.
Audio Presets:
Audio presets are defined for the entire location and are not broken up by area. This is because the user interface for audio is designed to display the audio settings for all areas on a single page.
Clicking on the Audio button from the application’s home page, Figure 1, will display the audio control section of the application, Figure 2.
Figure 2
Creating an Audio Preset:
The first step to create, or modify, an Audio preset is to set every zone’s volume slider to the desired listening source and volume. Repeat for ALL zones. One new feature that you will notice is that the relative volume of every zone is now displayed on the slider thumb. Additionally, volume will now change as you adjust the slider in real time. Previously you had to release the slider in order to hear the volume change.
Once you have made all the adjustments you are ready to set the preset. First click on the presets button on the bottom navigation bar. This will display the preset popup overlay, Figure 3.
Figure 3
Notice that two presets already have been created. If the current audio settings match the conditions for one of these presets all you have to do is click on the Save button and you’re done. From this point on anytime you click on the Restore button for the named preset your audio settings will automatically be restored.
If you would like to create a new preset then click on the green + button . This will bring up a keyboard overlay for naming the new preset, Figure 4.
Figure 4
Now use the keypad buttons to set your new name. You can click the eraser button, left of Z, to clear the name currently shown.
Figure 5
Once you are satisfied with the new name Click on the save button, right of space bar. Or if you do not want to save anything and cancel, just click on the Circle-X button on the upper right corner.
Newly saved presets will automatically appear in the list of Audio presets.
Figure 6
If you would like to rename an existing preset just click on the blue edit button . This will bring up the popup keyboard and allow you to change the name, Figure 7.
Figure 7
If you no longer want this preset then you can click on the red delete button next to the preset and then confirm the deletion on the confirmation dialog button, Figure 8.
Figure 8
Audio Presets Summary:
- The presets named “Beginning of Day” and “End of Day” are automatically created for you. They are considered system presets.
- Set the area into the mode that you want for the preset.
- Create the preset if it does not exist.
- Press the Save button.
- When you want it back press the Restore button.
Video Presets:
Video presets, unlike the Audio ones, are defined for each of the eight video TV areas as broken out in the application. This is because the user interface for video is designed to display the TV settings for one of eight areas at a time, Figure 9.
Figure 9
To create Video presets first select the TV Area of interest.
For this document we will use the Speakeasy but everything that follows will be true for all TV areas.
Figure 10
Start by setting each of the TVs in the area to the desired video source. Also, if the source is a Cable or DirecTV box make sure to set the channel the TVs should be watching if they are not already tuned to the correct station.
Now click on the preset button on the bottom navigation bar. The presets popup will appear, Figure 11.
Figure 11
You have the familiar “Beginning of Day” and “End of Day” default presets and also the ability to create a new preset. You should also note that the area name on the top of the preset popup is now showing the active TV area along with the fact that you are creating Video presets.
Having Video presets defined by viewing area allows for the greatest amount of flexibility.
Video Presets Summary:
- The presets named “Beginning of Day” and “End of Day” are automatically created for you. They are considered system presets.
- Video presets are broken out by TV Areas.
- Set the area into the mode that you want for the preset.
- Create the preset if it does not exist.
- Press the Save button.
- When you want it back press the Restore button.
Lighting Presets:
Lighting presets are broken out by areas and groups. This follows how the application lays out the lighting controls.
Clicking on the Lighting button from the application’s home page, Figure 1, will display the Lighting control section of the application. For this document we will select the Bowling Seating lighting area. Everything that follows is applicable for all other Lighting areas, Figure 12.
Figure 12
Defining a Lighting preset involves first setting each light in the selected group to the desired color level and brightness. Once all the individual lights in the group have been set you can then click on the presets navigator button to set the preset, Figure 13.
Figure 13
Again, we have the default “Beginning of Day” and “End of Day” presets along with the ability to create a new preset. You should also note that the area name on the top of the preset popup is now showing the active Lighting area along with the fact that you are creating Lighting presets.
Repeat this process for each of the defined lighting groups. While this might seem cumbersome at first having Lighting presets defined with this level of granularity allows for the greatest amount of flexibility.
Lighting Presets Summary:
- The presets named “Beginning of Day” and “End of Day” are automatically created for you. They are considered system presets.
- Lighting presets are broken out by Lighting groups.
- Set the group into the mode that you want for the preset.
- Create the preset if it does not exist.
- Press the Save button.
- When you want it back press the Restore button.
Once you have created Presets, you might now want to invoke those presets using myServer 6 Task Scheduler
You can also manage the myServer 6 controller using myServer 6 System Management Options
Learn about myServer's optional myDigitalSignage