Viewing the weather forecast is part of everyone's daily activites. With Weather you will be able to see at a glance the weather report for the day as well as up to ten days in advance.
Update for 8/31/2023:
Allonis's contract with the Weather Data service we have historically used has changed their pricing model. This gave us the choice of : charge users an annual subscription fee or 2) change providers to maintain a free data source (that was never free to Allonis). We opted for Plan B.
So, what does this mean...a new V6 driver is available today. Document what cities you are getting weather data for. Then, Update the Weather app from Software Updater and also update to the new Moonlight Template. Ensure your production use template is using a different name so it doesn't get overwritten. The old templates will show some data, but because the data changed, not all will be populated. So, you can use the latest Moonlight template as a master to update your custom template weather scenes. Issue a "delvariable|weather*" to remove all old weather data. Restart myServer which will auto create necessary variables and ultimately do a data update for your configured city.
For V5 users: Might be a good time to upgrade to V6...more info on that will be available shortly. Otherwise, there will soon be a new Weather V5 driver available. And sample UI templates as well.
What has changed in the data: We added Marine centric data. But lost Golf and Pollen data. Most all of the data stays intact.
- Complete 10 Day Weather Report
- 48 Hour by Hour Forecast (requires optional "Cloud Data Subscription")
30 minute updates else on demand. Hourly data will always show the entire day.
Weather Alerts
- Configure an unlimited number of cities in any Country
- Ability to define your own custom weather maps
- Marine data for the waterway nearest to your city
Weather app is included in the myServer software license!