Allonis C 128

myServer6Pi supports receiving temperature values from a 1-Wire temp sensor DS1820


  • myServer6
  • 1-Wire DS1820 temperature sensor
  • myServer6Pi controller
  • GPIOgeneric device driver

Install the GPIOgeneric driver from within myServer6's Software updater.

Wire the DS1820 sensor into the Raspberry Pi controller (running myServer6)


Hooking it up

1.      Connect GPIO GND [Pin 6] on the Pi to the negative rail on the breadboard and connect GPIO 3.3V [Pin 1] on the Pi to the Positive rail on the breadboard.

2.      Plug the DS18B20+ into your breadboard, ensuring that all three pins are in different rows. Familiarise yourself with the pin layout, as it’s quite easy to hook it up backwards!

3.      Connect DS18B20+ GND [Pin 1] to the negative rail of the breadboard.

4.      Connect DS18B20+ VDD [Pin 3] to the positive rail of the breadboard.

5.      Place your 4.7k? resistor between DS18B20+ DQ [Pin 2] and a free row on your breadboard.

6.      Connect that free end of the 4.7k? resistor to the positive rail of the breadboard.

7.       Finally, connect DS18B20+ DQ [Pin 2] to GPIO 4 [Pin 7] with a jumper wire.

Once connected, boot the myServer6Pi controller.

Immediately the GPIOgeneric driver should communicate to the sensor, and create a new device which will then provide it's temperature (both F and C) within myServer6 variables.  These variables can then be used in user interfaces, rules, macros etc.