Welcome to myServer 6

Thank you for your interest in Allonis's myServer 6 automation application.

If you are looking to kick the tires - awesome! Just follow the normal installation instructions for all products.  They will install and run for a 30 day free trial.  There are no limitations on the software during the trial period.  All of your configuration and customizations will continue to work post trial, once a permanent license has been applied to the software components.

Once the trial has expired, it is required for Allonis to use TeamViewer remote control software to access the controller and renew the trial prior to full licensing.  The system must be accesible to Allonis to do so.  Otherwise, you can mail the controller to Allonis (at your shipping cost).  Raspberry Pi systems only are eligible.

To purchase the software related products, most are available HERE

Allonis also sells pre-configured server hardware with myServer installed and running.  We also can provide full customizations of the software on a quote basis.  Once the system is up and running, we can remote into the PC and install all customizations.

To being installation, decide on which operating system you would like to use by following the instructions HERE

Available option: login and edit your user account and add the Allonis annual Subscription Manager to have access to most up to date software releases.

System Requirements

    • Raspian (Raspberry Pi4):
    • Raspberry Pi4 w/  4 or 8 gig RAM
    • 16 gig Class 10 SDMicro
    • 16 gig USB 3.0 storage drive (400mhz / 128gig optional but highly recommended as a boot drive)
    • USB-C 2.5 Amp or better power supply
    • CPU cooling radiator, case or fan.


  • Linux (Mint distro)

    • Modern dual-core processor or better
    • 4GB main memory. (4GB or more recommended)
    • 100GB free disk space


  • Windows OS:

Microsoft Windows 10, 10 Pro with all the current service packs and security updates. (32 or 64 bit versions. 64 bit recommended). Windows 2008 Server OS or newer is supported. Windows 8, Windows 7 shouldn't be used.  XP and Vista cannot be used.

.NET windows update installed prior to myServer installation

Modern dual-core processor or better

4GB main memory. (4GB or more recommended)

100GB free disk space.  SSD hard drive is highly recommended for performance and reliability.


MacOS (not currently supported)

Modern dual-core processor or better

4GB main memory. (4GB or more recommended)

100GB free disk space