Allonis S 128

myServer 6 can be purchased pre-installed on controller hardware which is the easiest to get up and running.  It is also available as a software download which requires the user to follow multiple steps to install.  Inbetween these two, it is also available as a software "master image" pre-installed by Allonis on a USB drive.

 To burn the USB image to drive:


To install the USB:

The Raspberry Pi4 (4 or 8gig) needs to have firmware that will boot from a USB drive.  Recently manufactured Pi's are already flashed to that version firmware.

To update your older Pi, follow the instructions HERE.

Once the firmware is installed, the myServer 6 USB drive is installed in the USB3.0 ports (the blue ones) as those ports are high speed.

The USB drive will only plug in one direction.  If one way doesn't go, try flipping the drive around and try again.  It does take a litte push even when the correct direction is chosen.  The Samsung USB drive we typically use fits VERY tight.  We push the USB side to side a bit on first install to spread the side pins on the Pi USB3.0 port.  Be very careful as it is easy to damage the Pi USB port.

Once you have the USB stick installed, power up the Pi via it's USB-C connection.

If you have a HDMI monitor attached, you will notice that the Pi will boot, and then reboot.  You will also notice the IP address will appear on the top right of the Desktop.  The Pi will get it's IP address from the network's DHCP server (usually from the Router).

Once it completes the second boot, myServer will automatically startup.  Have patience and don't unplug the Pi before it's completely finished (several minutes).  Once myServer is completely installed, from any browser device on the same network, go to:  http://ipaddress/dashboard and you will see the myServer 6 controller's backend configuration user interface.  Always recommended post a myServer update is to clear browser cache on the UI device.

Optionally, if you do a "Zero Config Discovery" from a second PC on the same network (like from HomeAssistant), you will see the new myServer controller's computer name is "myServer-random number". You should also see it's assigned IP address.  This can be used if you don't have a HDMI monitor installed.

Continue configuring the system by following the documentation HERE.