Required Device Licenses: Calculated by number of enabled outputs
dbx makes some of the best quality and best value audio matrix switches on the market. Allonis is an authorized dealer and uses them on small to medium scaled commercial installations.
High level integration process:
- Integrator installs hardware and wires it.
- Integrator uses DBX ZonePro Windows software and configures system's Inputs / Outputs / stereo vs. mono modes / Max volumes per zone / Equalization.
- Integrator Tests system using ZonePro software to ensure all DBX unit configurations and hardware and connections are valid.
- All settings get updated on Allonis's configuration spreadsheet and sent to Allonis (if Allonis is doing myServer 6 configuration work)
- Allonis programs myServer 6 to the above settings.
- Allonis and Integrator test that all works.
- Any changes made are updated on the spreadsheet and resent to Allonis so there is a plan of record for any future changes needed.
- Integrator delivers system to client
- No one changes DBX settings (DBX ZonePro software or myServer configuration) without Allonis involved and that all system functionality is retested.
Hardware Installation:
The dbxZonePro driver controls all of dbx's ZonePro family of audio matrix switches. Installation and configuration are easy!
Install the ZonePro controller into the equipment rack.
Plug your audio sources into the corresponding audio inputs on the DBX. Note you may have to create adapters (ie: RCA jacks to the phoenix connectors on the back of the DBX). Note in Allonis's spreadsheet which Source devices plug into which port of the DBX.
Note that commercial installations all devices run in Mono (combined Left and Right audio signals). The DBX will sum R and L before it outputs the mono output. Stereo / Mono inputs can be supported but read the configuration paragraph below for details. SPDIF MUST be in stereo for the Stereo Driver. If SPDIF is in Mono, then the Mono driver configuration must be used to address DBX internal addressing.
Connect the DBX low level outputs to your amplifiers. Document which output jacks goes to which audio zones in the spreadsheet.
Install the DBX Designer configuration software on a laptop. The laptop needs to be on the same network as the DBX. Run the application and you can then change the DBX IP / Gateway / Device Node ID. Note this information in Allonis's configuration spreadsheet. For Allonis to configure the network, install TeamViewer software on the laptop and provide Allonis the TeamViewer Device ID / Password that you set permanently in the TeamViewer Setup Options. The laptop has to be online with both the DBX and the Internet for Allonis access.
The default NODE id is 30. If you have two DBXs on the same network, set the second for "31" and so on for more. Document these settings on Allonis's spreadsheet.
Here is a typical audio chain:
Audio source (like DirecTV receiver) HDMI > Video Matrix Input > Video Matrix audio Output card > DBX input > DBX output > Amplifiers > Speakers
This allows flexibility to choose any HDMI source and listen to it's audio stream. Most sports bars use two video matrix output cards to allow for two different audio sources to be played simultaneously to two different audio zones.
Audio source (like a Jukebox or live music mixing board) unbalanced low level output (typically RCA jacks) > DBX input > DBX output > Amplifiers > Speakers
Microphone balanced low level output (three conductors)> DBX ML input > DBX output > Amplifiers > Speakers
This can be configured in the DBX Designer for Microphone "Ducking" (prioritization).
Software Installation:
Download the correct dbxZonePro driver from the myServer 6 Software Updater. Note there is a Serial driver for the 640/641 series and an ethernet driver for the rest of the DBX product line. Note: you cannot use the serial on non 640/641. There are also Stereo and Mono versions of the drivers. The driver will self install.
Go to the Drivers section and select Configure for the dbxZonePro driver.
Enter the IP address of the audio matrix to control and the Node ID.
Note that if you are connecting the 640/641 DBX to myServer via RS232 (serial), the Node ID is always 48. You use the ComPort as how to talk to a specific DBX. On a myServer 6 Pi controller using a USB to RS232 DB9 adapter, it will typically be ttyAMA0. You can confirm this by Disconnecting the USB from the Pi and going to the /dev directory. See if a ttyAMAx file exists. If not, then plug the DBX USB to RS232 adapter in and you should now see the file and the number of it (0, 1,2). Edit the DBX device configuration with this value.
The supported commands are listed in the Commands drop down list.
Note that the driver only works for DBX configured for Mono audio (commercial installations).
Also note that DBX uses some unusual volume settings...we use for myDesigner sliders "max level" property dbx sliders are 0-221 scale.
The myServer AV Sources: Update the Source to DBX connections in the "Real Source" field ie: "ML1 or S3".
Note that if you have two DBXs, one on Mono and one configured for Stereo, you can use both Mono and Stereo DBX drivers on same system and just configure appropriately.
For mixed Stereo / Mono installations, Allonis needs to create a new driver build to map the DBX internal channels to the myServer 6 managed zones. There is a huge permutations of combinations of possible configurations so for now, a custom driver needs to be developed for each scenario.
One such custom build is available today. It is for the ZonePro models that are set for stereo. Here is how that device would need to be wired:
For Source 1, wire the Left channel to S1 and the Right channel to S2. Source 2 is wired Left on ML1 and Right on ML2
For Output zone 1, wire the Left output to 1 and the Right output to 2. The Output for zone 2: wire Left output to 3 and the Right output to 4.
When you add the DBX driver, choose the "641MStereo" Type when adding the DBX controller to the system. Logical and Output Device ID should be same per zone.
Let Allonis know if you need a new driver update for your particular installation. We will need to know what device and how it is planned to be wired to create the new driver for those specifics.