The Harmony driver will give you direct control of the Activities and Devices that have been defined on the Hub. myServer connects to the Harmony Hub on the local network. Internet is not required.
Harmony Hub info can be found here. (
This was designed to extend the SmartRemote's capability to include support for all devices and launch all defined Activities defined in the Harmony Hub. Logitech advises this is 270,000 devices across 6,000 brands!
Harmony supports up to 15 hubs to be connected to a Harmony User's account. The myServer driver can connect to as many hubs as you have.
Harmony Hub
If you want to reset the Harmony Hub back to factory defaults (this deletes all settings), click the reset button and then plug the hub in. The light at the front will flash for 30 seconds indicating it is resetting.
Download the Harmony Control app to your smartphone. Launch it. Click and hold the Reset button on the Hub. Front LED should flash red. Click Setup New Hub in the app. If you have two hubs, both should appear in the list. Connect the correct hub via Bluetooth (this can take a minute). Enter your Wifi network ID and password. This will be updated in the Hub to connect to your IP network.
Create your Logitech userID email / password. Do not use social media login option. Accept licensing. If the hub needs new firmware, it will download and install and take 3-5 minutes.
Click "Set Up New" in the Harmony App. The Hub may have found IP devices that are on your network. Keep selected the devices you want this Hub to control (like for this room). You can then click Add Devices to find devices that may not have been discovered (like any IR device that is not on your ethernet network). Type in Make / Model. If found, it will be added.
Once done adding devices, click the > button to save your selections. Now, Test each device. Fix any devices that aren't working correctly.
You can optionally create Activities. If you are using this only with myServer (including SmartRemote), we would recommend you create and support Activities in myServer Macros instead. You may need to create one Activity to complete setup in the Harmony Control app.
You can double check the Hub's IP address in the Versions menu of the Harmony Control app.
Add the Harmony driver from the Software Updater and navigate to the drivers page and open the Harmony driver.
You have the option of letting the driver discover your Harmony Hubs or manually adding one via the command builder.
Press the Discover button for auto finding or use the AddHub command as shown below.
Your hubs will be added and shown like this
The next step is to give your hub a meaningful name and place it into it's appropriate room. Click on the pencil icon to edit the hub. Change it's name and use the drop down to put it in the right room. If the room does not exist cancel the edit and go over to the rooms page and add the room. Then come back and make the edits to the hub.
When you click save after a few seconds you should see the screen automatically refresh with all the Activities and Devices it found on the hub.
Hub Testing:
To test Hub functionality go into the Harmony Command Tester and use the SelectDevice command to make one of your Hubs the active hub.
Now on the left pane you will see two buttons labeled Activities and Devices. Click on the Activities button to test hub defined activities.
The popup to the right of the button will be the list of Activites that have been defined on the hub. Clicking on any activity will execute that activity on the hub and simultaneously enable the active buttons for that activity. Buttons that are not greyed out will have commands tied to this activity. Clicking on any of the buttons will execute the command. This example shows the commands that the "Watch TV" have activated.
Click a different activity to see the buttons change. In this next example we have clicked on the Watch Roku activity button.
Notice that we now have a different set of enabled buttons.
You have the same features available for the devices that have been defined on the hub. Click on the Devices button next. You'll see all the devices that the hub knows about. Here we have selected the Samsung TV.
As you click through the various devices you will see a different set of buttons get activated for each device.
Sources & Apps:
Go over to the Sources & Apps page and you should see that it has automatically created a new source for each of your Harmony hubs.
The system has also automatically created activation macros for each of these hubs.
Look at the Sources & Apps by Room page to confirm that the sources are tied to the room. Feel free to disable (un-check) any you do not want to use.
Your SmartRemote home page should now display each of your Hubs as clickable icons. Hubs are shown with the light blue Harmony icon.
Click on a Hub and you will be brought to the Harmony control page. The name of the selected hub and two buttons labeled Activities and Devices. Just like on the command testing page above, clicking on either button will expose the available hub activities or devices. On page load, you will see the buttons individually get enabled if applicable to that device. This does take a few seconds as there is a lot of data going back / forth in the system.
To run an activity just click on the the button in the activities dropdown.
In this example we clicked "Watch Roku"
The non-greyed out buttons are the available buttons for the activity. Additionally any hard button with a matching icon will be active too.
Clicking on the Devices dropdown will expose the available devices on the hub. Here we clicked on "Samsung TV" Notice the different set of enabled command buttons.
To get back to the home page long-press on the back or home hard button.
Moonlight Tablets & Phone UI:
When you access the media navigator on the Moonlight user interface you will see a similar Harmony icon as on the SmartRemote.
Clicking on the Harmony icon will take you to the Harmony control page. You will see the familiar Activities and Devices buttons. Here we have activated the "Watch Roku" activity.
And in the following example we are controlling the Samsung TV.
The goal of these sample pages was to expose the entire set of features available in the driver. You can use the Designer to make any customizations you like to any of these pages.
Please report any issues or feature enhancements on our user forums.