Creating a bootable image from a downloadable zip file is a common way to install applications. Follow the instructions below to learn this technique.
It applies to both SDMicro memory cards and USB sticks (and CM4 eMMC memory). The Raspberry Pi4 supports booting from USB and is highly recommended means to run myServer 6.
Click on the download link for your product (myServer 6, myAudioPlayer, myStreamer, etc).
Once download has finished, you’ll have a zip file.
Extract the downloaded zip file and you’ll have a .img image file
Creating a SDMicro / Bootable USB Image for a Raspberry Pi4:
- Download and install the utility Etcher, which will format the SDMicro and write myServer 6's image to your SD Card or USB stick
- Open Etcher, and click on “Select Image”. Now select the myServer 6 master .img file
Select the USB Flash drive you want to use for your Raspberry Pi (NOT the Boot Drive! - which is typically hidden from view)
Click on “Flash!” to start writing the image:
When Balena Etcher is finished writing the image you will get this confirmation:
- Insert the MicroSD Card / USB on your computer, you could use an external card reader or the SD slot if your computer has one (hint: ensure the img file is on the local computer. Installing from a networked drive can lead to corrupting the SDMicro card)
- Click on Select drive, and select the SD Card \ SD Card reader or USB.
To be safe, unplug every External USB Drive and USB drive you may have connected to your PC and make sure that the device name correspond to the microSD card / USB - Click “Continue” and when ready, hit “Flash”
- When the operation has finished (it may take up to 10 minutes including validating the image) close Etcher and eject the SDMicro card / pull out the completed USB boot drive.
- Done! Your Allonis software image is now on your SDMicro Card / USB Stick!
Updating Pi4 firmware to boot from USB stick
Note: All Pi4 hardware controllers purchased from Allonis are using the USB boot firmware so the procedure below does not need to be done. This only has to be done once per Pi4 hardware.
When you are using Allonis's master image software load on an SDMicro, select from the Raspberry Pi OS Desktop the Menu / Accessories / Update EEProm Update button. This will copy the most current firmware files from the Image to the Pi firmware.
Note: if you do not have a monitor / mouse plugged into the Pi, you can use Putty application and connect to the myServer 6 controller IP address. You can log in with pi / Allonis (user id / password).
run the following command:
sudo rpi-eeprom-update -d -f /lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/beta/pieeprom-2021-03-18.bin
You will then be asked to reboot for the changes to take effect.
Once rebooted, you can insert a fast USB storage drive into the blue USB port on the myServer Controller. Ensure you have removed the SDMicro card or it will boot from SDMicro.
Backing up SDMicro Image to USB
From the Debian OS desktop, you can click on the Main Menu, click on Accessories and then select the SD Card Copier. Select the SDMicro card drive to copy FROM and then select the USB stick to Copy TO. DOUBLE CHECK your choices so that the From and To are correct. If any doubt, shutdown the controller and remove the USB stick. Reboot from the SDMicro and run the SD Card Copier again. You should now only see the SDMicro drive. Take note. Shutdown, reinstall the USB stick and repeat. The new Drive listed is the USB stick (the TO selection). Once copied to the USB, shutdown, remove the SDMicro and reboot with the USB in the blue port. The system should reboot and will operate much faster with higher reliability. Highly recommended.
Updating the Raspbian OS
From the Raspberry Pi OS desktop, you can click on the Main Menu, click on Accessories and then select the Apt Update. This will download the latest files for the Debian OS.
From the Raspberry P OS desktop, you can click on the Main Menu, click on Accessories and then select the Apt Upgrade. This will install the latest files to the OS. Note: you might see a message about the "comitup" configuration file. Do not change this file. Keep the original file (N choice).
Reboot after Upgrade for the changes to take effect.
You can Update / Upgrade when needed to add new features or for bug fixes to the OS. This does not update myServer 6. myServer 6 is updated from within myServer 6. It's possible an upgrade can affect myServer performance. You should keep myServer 6 updated as well to minimize the possible issues.