GenericGPIO makes relays that work with the Raspberry Pi4. The GenericGPIO driver controls all of GenericGPIO relay models. Installation and configuration are easy!
Download the GenericGPIO driver from the myServer 6 Software Updater. The driver will self install.
Go to the Drivers section and select Configure for the GenericGPIO driver.
Enter the i2C address of the relay board to control.
The supported commands are listed in the Commands drop down list.
Potentially supported Devices (need driver changes for each)
Analog/Digital converters
- Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
- ADS1115 - Analog to Digital Converter
- AXP192 - Enhanced single Cell Li-Battery and Power System Management IC
- INA219 - Bidirectional Current/Power Monitor
- Mcp3428 - Analog to Digital Converter (I2C)
- MCP3xxx family of Analog to Digital Converters
- TLC1543 - 10-bit ADC with 11 input channels
Digital/Analog converters
- ADXL345 - Accelerometer
- ADXL357 - Accelerometer
- BNO055 - inertial measurement unit
- LSM9DS1 - 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer
- MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
- Mpu6886 - accelerometer and gyroscope
- Sense HAT
Gas sensors
- AGS01DB - MEMS VOC Gas Sensor
- BMxx80 Device Family
- CCS811 Gas sensor
- MH-Z19B CO2-Sensor
- SCD4x - CO2, Temperature & Humidity Sensor
GNSS Satellite receivers and navigation equipment
Liquid sensors
Light sensor
- Bh1745 - RGB Sensor
- BH1750FVI - Ambient Light Sensor
- MAX44009 - Ambient Light Sensor
- SensorHub - Environmental sensor
- TCS3472x Sensors
- TSL256x - Illuminance sensor
- BMP180 - barometer, altitude and temperature sensor
- BMxx80 Device Family
- LPS25H - Piezoresistive pressure and thermometer sensor
- SCD4x - CO2, Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- Sense HAT
- SensorHub - Environmental sensor
- AHT10/15/20 - Temperature and humidity sensor modules
- BMP180 - barometer, altitude and temperature sensor
- BMxx80 Device Family
- Cpu Temperature
- DHTxx - Digital-Output Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor Module
- HTS221 - Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature
- LM75 - Digital Temperature Sensor
- LPS25H - Piezoresistive pressure and thermometer sensor
- Max31856 - cold-junction compensated thermocouple to digital converter
- MAX31865 - Resistance Temperature Detector Amplifier
- MCP9808 - Digital Temperature Sensor
- MLX90614 - Infra Red Thermometer
- MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
- OpenHardwareMonitor client library
- SCD4x - CO2, Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- Sense HAT
- SensorHub - Environmental sensor
- SHT3x - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- SHT4x - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- SHTC3 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- Si7021 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- μFire ISE Probe - pH, ORP and temperature sensor
Infrared sensors
- BNO055 - inertial measurement unit
- LSM9DS1 - 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer
- MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
- Mpu6886 - accelerometer and gyroscope
- Sense HAT
Lego related devices
Motor controllers/drivers
- 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor 5V 4-Phase 5-Wire & ULN2003 Driver Board
- DC Motor Controller
- Explorer HAT Pro (Pimoroni)
- MotorHat
- Servo Motor
Inertial Measurement Units
- BNO055 - inertial measurement unit
- LSM9DS1 - 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer
- MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
- Sense HAT
- AK8963 - Magnetometer
- Bmm150 - Magnetometer
- BNO055 - inertial measurement unit
- HMC5883L - 3 Axis Digital Compass
- LSM9DS1 - 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer
- MPU6500/MPU9250 - Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Temperature and Magnetometer (MPU9250 only)
- Sense HAT
- AHT10/15/20 - Temperature and humidity sensor modules
- BMxx80 Device Family
- DHTxx - Digital-Output Relative Humidity & Temperature Sensor Module
- HTS221 - Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature
- SCD4x - CO2, Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- Sense HAT
- SensorHub - Environmental sensor
- SHT3x - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- SHT4x - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- SHTC3 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- Si7021 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Distance sensors
- HC-SR04 - Ultrasonic Ranging Module
- LidarLiteV3 - LIDAR Time of Flight Sensor
- VL53L0X - distance sensor
Passive InfraRed (motion) sensors
Motion sensors
- Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
- APA102 - Double line transmission integrated control LED
- Character LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
- Holtek HT1632 - 32×8 & 24×16 LED Driver
- Ili9341 TFT LCD Controller
- Lp55231 - Nine-Channel RGB, White-LED Driver
- Max7219 (LED Matrix driver)
- PCD8544 - 48 × 84 pixels matrix LCD, famous Nokia 5110 screen
- RGBLedMatrix - RGB LED Matrix
- Segment display driver (HT16K33)
- Sense HAT
- Solomon Systech Ssd1351 - CMOS OLED
- Solomon Systech SSD13xx OLED display family
- TM1637 - Segment Display
- Ws28xx / SK6812 LED drivers
GPIO Expanders
- Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
- Mcp23xxx - I/O Expander device family
- NXP/TI PCx857x
- Pca95x4 - I2C GPIO Expander
CAN BUS libraries/modules
Proximity sensors
Touch sensors
- Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
- MPR121 - Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller
Wireless communication modules
Color sensors
LED drivers
- Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
- APA102 - Double line transmission integrated control LED
- Explorer HAT Pro (Pimoroni)
- Lp55231 - Nine-Channel RGB, White-LED Driver
- On-board LED driver
- Segment display driver (HT16K33)
- Ws28xx / SK6812 LED drivers
RFID/NFC modules
Media libraries
USB devices
- SPI, GPIO and I2C drivers for Arduino with Firmata
- SPI, GPIO and I2C drivers for FT232H
- SPI, GPIO and I2C drivers for FT4222
- STUSB4500 - Autonomous USB-C PD controller for Power Sinks / UFP
GPIO or bit operating devices
- AXP192 - Enhanced single Cell Li-Battery and Power System Management IC
- Button
- Charlieplex Segment binding
- Digital liquid level switch
- Generic shift register
- GpioDriver for other boards
- Key Matrix
- MBI5027 -- 16-bit shift register with error detection
- Quadrature Rotary Encoder
- SN74HC595 -- 8-bit shift register
- SPI, GPIO and I2C drivers for Arduino with Firmata
Multi-device or robot kit
Protocols providers/libraries
- 1-wire
- Adafruit Seesaw - extension board (ADC, PWM, GPIO expander)
- Board abstraction
- GpioDriver for other boards
- MotorHat
- NMEA 0183 Protocol
- Pca9685 - I2C PWM Driver
- Software PWM
- Software SPI
- SPI, GPIO and I2C drivers for Arduino with Firmata
- SPI, GPIO and I2C drivers for FT232H
- SPI, GPIO and I2C drivers for FT4222
- System.Device.Model - attributes for device bindings
Power monitors and related devices
- AXP192 - Enhanced single Cell Li-Battery and Power System Management IC
- INA219 - Bidirectional Current/Power Monitor
- IP5306 - Power management
- PiJuice - power supply for Raspberry Pi